“Bønnerommet”, poster for “Iduns Julekomedie” 2025
Poster for a play at my school.
Poster for a play at my school.
Poster I made for a DJ-gig I had in the morning :O
Programme for a festival me and my friends started in 2023. This one is from the second year. This year I also made a logo for the festival
<- Programme from the first year.
<- Second page of the programme.
Poster for a schoolplay I was an actor in.
<- Front page of the programme of the same play. The 3D model of the apple was made in Blender.
Poster for a school event.
Coverart for an EP by my friend and I. 
“FBWA”/”Fight Back With Aesthetics” 2/2
“FBWA”/”Fight Back With Aesthetics” printed with riso by &soWalter (usw.)
“FBWA”/”Fight Back With Aesthetics” 1/2: Abstract art made to cover fascist propaganda
Poster for a schoolplay i was an actor in.
Cover art for ALXXNDRCHiLLAN - Katedralrussen 2024
Cover art for Tayka - On Bitties